Kansas City Police Department Thanks Summit Nutritionals International ®

Kansas City Police Department Final
The Canine Unit accepted the donation of Rico from Summit Nutritionals Inc. ® with a small ceremony. Rico replaces Brunie, who died in the line of duty in September.

Two dogs. Same breed. Same handler. Same birthday. A tragedy made better by a generous gift.

The Kansas City Police Department was fortunate to get the attention of Summit Nutritionals International, Inc. ® The company donated $12,000 to purchase a new canine to replace Brunie, who died in the line of duty in September. The new dog is Rico, a 3-year-old Belgian Malinois, who will partner with Officer Jason Brungardt. Rico and Brunie even have the same birthday.

Helping police departments who have lost canines is a worthy cause for Dr. Caesar DePaço, Founder & CEO of Summit Nutritionals International, Inc. ® & President, Deanna Padovani-DePaço.

“It has just become something that became very important to my husband and me,” Deanna said. “We feel that it is very important to fill that void and to keep everyone safe with their dogs.”

Summit Nutritionals ® is on a mission to help step-in and pay for replacements after tragic losses of canine officers. Brunie died after a search for a suspect in a wooded area led to him contracting dysautonomia, a fast-moving degenerative disease of the nervous system.Kansas City Police Department 2 Final

Summit Nutritionals ® also is willing to help law enforcement agencies launch canine units.

“It takes a lot of funds and support from the community,” Deanna said. “But we want to be there to help them get that started.”

Caesar and Deanna DePaço had the pleasure of watching Rico become certified in patrol work.

“He passed with flying colors,” Deanna said. Summit Nutritionals ® bought Rico from Vohne Liche Kennels in Denver, Indiana, the source of KCPD’s other dogs.

After the loss of his previous canine partner, Officer Jason Brungardt said he is truly blessed to get Rico. He plans to use Rico as a dual-purpose patrol dog, trained for patrol work and detecting explosives. Officer Brungardt likes to describe Rico as a light switch.

“He will go out and take care of business immediately,” he says. “He will then come right back and turn that light switch off and be all loving and want to nuzzle up to you, he is truly an exceptional dog.”

The team will be ready for whatever comes their way. “Anytime there is a bomb threat or just regular calls for service, we will be right there to take them down,” Brungardt said.

OKC Police Department, Msgt. Coy W. Gilbert Endorses Droi-Kon ® Chondroitin

From: Msgt. Coy W. Gilbert
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2014 1:39 AM
To: Caesar DePaço, Ph.D.
Subject: Retired Police K9 Aron

Dear Dr. DePaço,

I have a retired Police K9 enjoying life at home with my family and I. Aron, a black and tan German Shephard, worked the streets for over 8 years before retiring at the age of 10. Aron endured over 120 criminal apprehensions including being shot in the line of duty. Aron retired with a clear mind and relatively healthy body. However, 8 years of hard work left some marks. As all large breed working dogs are susceptible to, Aron has moderate hip dysplasia and other joint aches and pains.

I began giving Aron Droi-Kon ® Chondroitin with his food in October 2014. Approximately 3 to 4 weeks later I began noticing subtle changes in Aron. Most noteably, Aron would occasionaly yelp as he played in the back yard. Since giving him your product I haven’t heard him yelp. My wife and I have also noticed that Aron seems to stand taller for longer periods of time.

I feel that your product, Droi-Kon ® Chondroitin, has had a positive effect on Aron’s overall health. I will continue to use your product in the future as my family and I strive to give Aron the quality of life he has earned.


Msgt. Coy W. Gilbert
K9 Handler, OKC Police Dept.


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