New Jersey Couple Donates K-9 to Roanoke City Police Department

A New Jersey couple from Summit Nutritionals International ®, is making a difference for the Roanoke City Police Department after a local K9 officer died of cancer.

ROANOKE (WSLS 10) – A New Jersey couple is Roanoke Policemaking a difference for the Roanoke City Police Department after a local K-9 officer died of cancer.

Tuesday, the department recognized Deanna and Caesar DePaço, Ph.D. for donating its newest member, Loki.

Loki takes the place of Mia, a K-9 who passed last October.


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His handler, Sergeant Mike Thompson, says a K-9 officer is truly a partner.

“Something that may calm the handler after seeing a certain scene is just your dog putting his paw on your shoulder while you’re sitting in a car, kind of one of those silent you’re going to be okay,” explained Sgt. Thompson.

“We understand the difficulties of creating a K-9 department or sustaining one and it’s a very, very large expense and not all police departments are able to cover that and we’re in the position that we can, so we have just decided to make that our mission,” Deanna DePaço said.

The DePaço’s have donated almost a dozen trained K-9s nationwide and will travel Wednesday to Harrisonburg for another donation to the police department there.

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OKC Police Department, Msgt. Coy W. Gilbert Endorses Droi-Kon ® Chondroitin

From: Msgt. Coy W. Gilbert
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2014 1:39 AM
To: Caesar DePaço, Ph.D.
Subject: Retired Police K9 Aron

Dear Dr. DePaço,

I have a retired Police K9 enjoying life at home with my family and I. Aron, a black and tan German Shephard, worked the streets for over 8 years before retiring at the age of 10. Aron endured over 120 criminal apprehensions including being shot in the line of duty. Aron retired with a clear mind and relatively healthy body. However, 8 years of hard work left some marks. As all large breed working dogs are susceptible to, Aron has moderate hip dysplasia and other joint aches and pains.

I began giving Aron Droi-Kon ® Chondroitin with his food in October 2014. Approximately 3 to 4 weeks later I began noticing subtle changes in Aron. Most noteably, Aron would occasionaly yelp as he played in the back yard. Since giving him your product I haven’t heard him yelp. My wife and I have also noticed that Aron seems to stand taller for longer periods of time.

I feel that your product, Droi-Kon ® Chondroitin, has had a positive effect on Aron’s overall health. I will continue to use your product in the future as my family and I strive to give Aron the quality of life he has earned.


Msgt. Coy W. Gilbert
K9 Handler, OKC Police Dept.


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