Barb Blackman Endorses Droi-Kon ® Chondroitin Sulfate

From: Barb Blackman
Date: 05/18/2015 7:33 PM (GMT-05:00)
Subject: Droi-Kon ® Chondroitin Sulfate

Due to Ellie’s bad arthritis in her hind legs, I was part of a trial using Droi-Kon ® Chondroitin Sulfate. After about 2 weeks of using the powder supplement, she seemed to have more stamina and could go for longer hikes with less pain and stopping. This product really helped her. We are grateful to have been part of the trial.

Barb Blackman, Voorhees, NJ


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Premium Food Grade Chondroitin Sulfate

Lori Barakat Endorses Droi-Kon ® Chondroitin Sulfate

From: Lori Barakat
Date: 05/18/2015 7:35 PM (GMT-05:00)
Subject: Droi-Kon ® Chondroitin Sulfate

Since we began using Droi-Kon ®, our dog Dora has been able to walk on all four legs and is able to climb the stairs again. She has bilateral cruciate tears and has difficulty utilizing her hind legs at times. Now she even runs around the yard like a puppy! Overall, Droi-Kon ® has helped tremendously and has made a huge difference in Dora’s life.

Lori Barakat, Jackson, NJ


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Premium Food Grade Chondroitin Sulfate

Kelli Cipollone Endorses Droi-Kon ® Chondroitin Sulfate

From: Kelli Cipollone
Date: 05/18/2015 7:35 PM (GMT-05:00)
Subject:  Droi-Kon ® Chondroitin Sulfate

After receiving our Droi-Kon, we gave a teaspoon to Winston once daily with his dinner food and started seeing an improvement in his movements and less hind leg lameness. Combined with rest, we were able to get him through the winter without any additional vet visits or surgery.

In the early spring, during one of the cold/ice spells, Winston had a bad slip and again began not using his left hind leg. We had continued on with his Droi-Kon daily and he eventually had to have TPLO surgery but we continue to give him his Droi-Kon daily and he has had a beautiful recovery. I believe that taking this has assisted in his great recovery and I am so thankful for this supplement!

Kelli Cipollone, Philadelphia, PA


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Premium Food Grade Chondroitin Sulfate